Whole Life Yoga Blog
Holding Out For a Hero Why The Purāṇa-s Matter – an Introduction
Is the perennial more relevant than the single-issue, monoculture tendencies of a contemporary lens might suggest? A few years ago I was speaking with a man that some might call an elder, at the...
Jesus Christmas 2020
In preparing for a recent satsang class on Jesus, I came out of meditation the morning of 12th December 2020 and wrote Jesus at the top of the page, this is what followed, you can listen to a...
December 15th, 2020
Caritas and Amor Yoga means gathering together, harmonising the whole field of our being. There are many reasons I so love the sound based practices that are cherished in the Indian tradition. One...
Why Yoga Matters – Buddhiyuktaḥ – Part One
Evenness, balance, integration: the platform for greater skilfulness. This is yoga. To cultivate it, we practise the medi-state. Buddhiyuktaḥ -Yoga,the medi-state and why it matters The basic...
Bhagavad Gītā Chapter Three at MCY April 2020 Session Notes One
This season, my live teaching engagements are cancelled/suspended for the time being. I'm feeling very grateful for the chance to continue sharing some programs online. This month a course on...
Yoga and Sport (Part Two)
Recreation, sport, competition and competence Competition, as it is often understood these days, could be seen to go against yoga. By definition, yoga is all inclusive. It leaves nothing out. Yoga...
On The History of Yoga Āsana
A few years ago was published a book advancing a very narrow and very particular thesis on the ‘origins’ of physical yoga practice and modern āsana. In this book, the author suggests that the...
Yoga and Sport (Part One)
Haṭha yoga and sport It is important to remember that haṭha yoga is not merely a sport. However, as we shall see, it can perhaps be very helpful to consider yoga as a sport, and sport can help us...
Haṭha Yoga Tantra
Haṭha yoga is a tantra Tantra and Yoga are classic examples of Sanskṛt words that encode vast oceans of meaning. Tantra and Yoga are huge, vast topics. I find it somewhat tragic how narrow and...
Yoga, Authenticity and Authority
One of the ways that an advanced state of yoga is described is as kaivalya - to stand alone: to be in a state of 'all-one-ness'. Not lonely, but whole and integrated. The more we can establish...
On how ecology - the understanding of the ecos: the environment, the resources - is the foundation for economy - good management of the ecos. On learning from other species, especially bees, and...
Into the Grey
For some time now I have been feeling to write an article about what I see as the need to go beyond divisive black and white thinking and step ‘into the grey’, to honestly, courageously wrestle with...