peaceful waterfall

Whole Life Yoga Blog

With passion, humour and a spirit of inquiry, James shares emotive and relatable writings on the yoga of the whole human being. These include musings on life from a yogic perspective, articles elucidating practical teachings from the yoga tradition, stories, reflections and more. Explore the practical whole life teachings of yoga in James’ blog and this selection of his articles from the last decade.
Jesus Christmas 2020

Jesus Christmas 2020

In preparing for a recent satsang class on Jesus, I came out of meditation the morning of 12th December 2020 and wrote Jesus at the top of the page, this is what followed, you can listen to a...

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December 15th, 2020

December 15th, 2020

Caritas and Amor Yoga means gathering together, harmonising the whole field of our being. There are many reasons I so love the sound based practices that are cherished in the Indian tradition. One...

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Yoga and Sport (Part One)

Yoga and Sport (Part One)

Haṭha yoga and sport It is important to remember that haṭha yoga is not merely a sport. However, as we shall see, it can perhaps be very helpful to consider yoga as a sport, and sport can help us...

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