Programs & Events

James Boag Teaching

ONLINE Practical Philosophy and Mythology Course 

Sādhana, Sovereignty and the Ocean of Practice


Tuesdays June 4, 11, 18, 25, 6-8pm UK time with optional recitation practice 5:30-6:00pm

James Boag Teaching

2024 Workshops, classes and immersions

Inspiring, active, pragmatic learning experiences.
Working with the core teachings of the yoga tradition and bringing their timeless, perennial wisdom to vivid life.

Weekend Immersions in

James Boag Teaching

Living the Yoga Sūtra-s
Live Online Immersion

This eight-month course offers a deep dive into the Yoga Sūtra, aiming to empower participants with its foundational teachings for practical application in daily life. The course consists of 30 interactive two-hour sessions, with presentations, discussions, and meditation exercises. Participants will gain a thorough understanding of the text, thereby enriching their day-to-day lives and self-identity. Optional recitation practices and study resources are also provided.

James Boag

Working One-to-One
With James Boag

With James Boag's Sage Sessions and Whole Life Yoga Mentoring, you have the opportunity to not only explore life's questions and challenges but also to transform your overall well-being. Sage Sessions offer targeted, 70-minute consultations where you can explore yoga's ancient teachings to find clarity and direction. The Whole Life Yoga Mentoring provides a long-term pathway for integrating yoga into every facet of your life, from building a deeper understanding of Sanskrit texts to enhancing sleep and harnessing creative energy. Both programs empower you to fortify your self-identity and cultivate a fulfilling, well-balanced life rooted in the enduring wisdom of yoga.

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