yoga philosophy

Programs & Events

James Boag Teaching

ONLINE Practical Philosophy and Mythology Course 

Sādhana, Sovereignty and the Ocean of Practice


Tuesdays June 4, 11, 18, 25, 6-8pm UK time with optional recitation practice 5:30-6:00pm

James Boag Teaching

2024 Workshops, classes and immersions

Inspiring, active, pragmatic learning experiences.
Working with the core teachings of the yoga tradition and bringing their timeless, perennial wisdom to vivid life.

Weekend Immersions in

James Boag Teaching

Living the Yoga Sūtra-s
Live Online Immersion

This eight-month course offers a deep dive into the Yoga Sūtra, aiming to empower participants with its foundational teachings for practical application in daily life. The course consists of 30 interactive two-hour sessions, with presentations, discussions, and meditation exercises. Participants will gain a thorough understanding of the text, thereby enriching their day-to-day lives and self-identity. Optional recitation practices and study resources are also provided.

James Boag

Working One-to-One
With James Boag

With James Boag's Sage Sessions and Whole Life Yoga Mentoring, you have the opportunity to not only explore life's questions and challenges but also to transform your overall well-being. Sage Sessions offer targeted, 70-minute consultations where you can explore yoga's ancient teachings to find clarity and direction. The Whole Life Yoga Mentoring provides a long-term pathway for integrating yoga into every facet of your life, from building a deeper understanding of Sanskrit texts to enhancing sleep and harnessing creative energy. Both programs empower you to fortify your self-identity and cultivate a fulfilling, well-balanced life rooted in the enduring wisdom of yoga.

Yoga Anytime Courses

Use code JAMESBOAG for thirty days free access.

Yoga Now

Themed practical philosophy talks filmed live Spring 2021. Yoga Now is a collection of insightful talks and discussions with yoga teachers and philosophers designed to deepen our understanding of the practical teachings of Yoga, and how they can help bring greater balance, skillfulness, harmony, and efficiency into all aspects of our lives.

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Course

In-depth, practical exploration of Chapters One and Two of this treasure text of the yoga tradition, filmed 2017 and 2021, with movement, meditation, and sound practices too. Together, we unravel The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the treasure text of the yoga tradition. Patanjali’s text distills and encodes a vast body of practical teachings into a concise and thorough form and provides a frame of reference for a skillful, ongoing inquiry. James Boag infuses our study with the movement, breath, meditation and practices of Hatha Yoga and singing of Bhakti Yoga so we may more easily integrate and harmonize these teachings into our daily lives.

The Mythology Show

Recorded September 2015, exploring practical riches of yoga mythology, with episodes on Ganesa, Mother Divine and Hanuman. Mythology is designed to blow the mind so that we might access deeper aspects of ourselves. Soak in these stories to discover and allow for new dimensions to be revealed. Resist the temptation to seek out the true story, rather let all the possibilities exist. You will never find the same version told twice.

Bhagavad Gītā Chapter Two Course

15+ hours of content, recorded June/July 2015, includes: introduction, series on recitation and series going through the practical teachings of Chapter Two, working from the original Sanskrit, with stories and songs along the way. Gita means song. The Bhagavad Gita is teaching us to sing our own song and be truly ourselves. James Boag unpacks the essential teachings in Chapter 2 – chanting and translating the sanskrit verses, sharing epic stories, and offering timeless insight to accelerate, inspire, and transform our daily lives.

Whole Life Yoga Newsletter

The place to find out first about all James’ programs and offerings, receive articles, recommendations, and access special rates for programs.