Meditation Articles
Why Yoga Matters – Buddhiyuktaḥ – Part One
Evenness, balance, integration: the platform for greater skilfulness. This is yoga. To cultivate it, we practise the medi-state. Buddhiyuktaḥ -Yoga,the medi-state and why it matters The basic...
Bhagavad Gītā Chapter Three at MCY April 2020 Session Notes One
This season, my live teaching engagements are cancelled/suspended for the time being. I'm feeling very grateful for the chance to continue sharing some programs online. This month a course on...
The Yoga Method – Some Notes to Self – September 2019
Cutivate the medi-state as best you can. Whenever you come away from the centre, patiently, kindly, invite yourself back to the centre. Pay close, honest attention to what draws you away from the...